This will be an eight-weekly group and will be a combination of psychoeducation and experiential learning on gaming, screen time, and online addictive behavior patterns.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is defined as a pattern of gaming behaviour characterised by impaired control over gaming with increasing priority given to gaming over other activities. Such behaviour ends up taking precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.
The online world has been artificially and intentionally constructed by mega-gaming corporations to meet universal human needs that are sometimes missing in the gamer’s current physical world. These can include – having a safe space, social connections, validated self-esteem, and sense of purpose in life.
Themes Covered
The session themes have been designed in collaboration with previous gamer clients in recovery at Visions by Promises. This collaborative approach helps to boost the relevancy and effectiveness of the programme and combines the best of addiction recovery experience with treatment methodologies.
• Know Your Gamer Identity
• Why Seek Recovery?
• How Does One Do Recovery?
• Fill the Voids in Life
• Dealing with Emotions
• Build Recovery Resources
• Facing Complexity of Life
• Review Progress
Package of 8 |
$750 (Subject to GST) The sessions run weekly on a continuous basis, available in renewable 8-week packages. These sessions will be in-person and will be held on Thursday evenings from 18.30 – 20.00. |
Per Session |
$100 (Subject to GST) |